Sadjad U - Sajjad
Sadjad University
Ranked 56 among all 10980 users.
Have accepted 70 problems with 235 submits in total with ratio of 29.79%.
Uses C++ for default compiler!
Have accepted 70 problems with 235 submits in total with ratio of 29.79%.
Uses C++ for default compiler!
Accepted Problems:
1001 1006 1009 1010 1017 1018 1022 1034 1088 1089 1099 1104 1119 1185 1230 1266 1319 1324 1329 1392 1413 1453 1454 1459 1478 1502 1608 1651 1656 1659 1725 1749 1959 1993 2027 2035 2051 2064 2090 2096 2121 2124 2212 2358 2371 2400 2499 2500 2543 2578 2621 2713 2717 2732 2733 2734 2735 2737 2740 2747 2770 2791 2792 2794 2823 2833 2837 101073 101362 106017
1001 1006 1009 1010 1017 1018 1022 1034 1088 1089 1099 1104 1119 1185 1230 1266 1319 1324 1329 1392 1413 1453 1454 1459 1478 1502 1608 1651 1656 1659 1725 1749 1959 1993 2027 2035 2051 2064 2090 2096 2121 2124 2212 2358 2371 2400 2499 2500 2543 2578 2621 2713 2717 2732 2733 2734 2735 2737 2740 2747 2770 2791 2792 2794 2823 2833 2837 101073 101362 106017