University of Tehran
Ranked 47 among all 10994 users.
Have accepted 77 problems with 208 submits in total with ratio of 37.02%.
Uses C++ for default compiler!
Have accepted 77 problems with 208 submits in total with ratio of 37.02%.
Uses C++ for default compiler!
Accepted Problems:
1001 1006 1009 1010 1018 1230 1319 1320 1323 1324 1326 1444 1651 1656 1659 1660 1903 1921 1943 1959 1998 2001 2118 2353 2358 2371 2499 2517 2518 2527 2531 2535 2539 2543 2549 2571 2577 2578 2585 2588 2591 2621 2695 2697 2699 2703 101055 101073 101078 101132 101134 101147 101164 101200 101329 101362 101363 101364 101365 101383 101460 101461 101462 106012 106017 106018 106020 106022 106023 106024 106025 109100 109106 109109 109111 109113 109114
1001 1006 1009 1010 1018 1230 1319 1320 1323 1324 1326 1444 1651 1656 1659 1660 1903 1921 1943 1959 1998 2001 2118 2353 2358 2371 2499 2517 2518 2527 2531 2535 2539 2543 2549 2571 2577 2578 2585 2588 2591 2621 2695 2697 2699 2703 101055 101073 101078 101132 101134 101147 101164 101200 101329 101362 101363 101364 101365 101383 101460 101461 101462 106012 106017 106018 106020 106022 106023 106024 106025 109100 109106 109109 109111 109113 109114