Message Wrapping

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The Abnormal Cellular Mobile Phone (ACMP) Company produces different kind of smart phones with different screen sizes. Since the popularity of text messaging among people, ACMP must design an application that receives a text message and shows this message in an appropriate form for different display sizes. This company asks you to write a program which gets the screen’s width (maximum number of characters fits in each line of the display) and a text message, then it outputs the received message in minimum possible number of lines regarding the screen’s width. For instance if the screen width is 5, the message “Salaam Chetori?” must be outputted in the following format (tabular view is for clarification):

Please note that all the characters in the input message must be presented in the reformed message preserving their order (including white spaces) and there must be no extra spaces anywhere in the output.


First line of the input contains an integer N which is number of test cases. First line of each test case contains an integer w (5 <= w <= 20) denoting the screen width and the next line contains a string s which is the text message to be shown on the screen. The text message may contain space character and its length does not exceeds 1000.


For each test case, print the message in the appropriate format explained in the problem statement. Print a blank line between two consecutive tests.

Sample Input

Salaam Chetori?
Khoobam To Chetori?

Sample Output

m Che

m To C