UP 100
Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB
Sunny Cup 2003 - Preliminary Round
April 20th, 12:00 - 17:00
Problem F: UP 100
UP 100 is a challenging game where you take the role of a boy advancing in a
40-unit-wide space with walls on both sides.
As the game starts, the boy moves at 2 units per second to the right. You can only make jumps. It acts like: you press the "space" key for some time, and the force f will increase 2 units per second starting from 0. The force wraps back to 0 when it exceeds 8. When you release the key, the boy jumps up according to the force. If f = 8, v = 16, otherwise v = f. (We simple assume you shall only press and release the bar at integral seconds. The game starts at 0-th second, and the boy can jump from any integral position on level 0.) When the boy is in space, he still advances at 2 units per second horizontally (he should change direction when bumping into the wall), and he moves at 2 units per second upwards till he reaches a height of v (he can penetrate any bars in space). After that, he moves down at 2 units per second until he lands on a bar. When he lands, the force becomes 0.
There are 4 types of bars:
b for short. This bar is for
holding purpose only.
s for short. This bar doubles
v when jumping.
lp for short. This bar contributes
a 1-unit-per-second-to-the-left velocity to the object on it.
rp for short. This bar contributes
a 1-unit-per-second-to-the-right velocity to the object on it.
All the bars are 8 units long. None of them shall intersect with each other.
Given such a configuration, please estimate the highest bar the boy could reach.
Notice it will not be greater than n of course.
First line of input contains T, the number of tests to process. For each test:
The first line contains n (0 < n <= 500), the upper bound of the space.
The second line contains m (0 <= m <= 500), the number of bars.
The next m lines are in the format type height left (1 <= height <= n, 0 <= left <= 32).
For each test, prints the maximum height on a single line.
Notice the lowest is the 0-th level. The highest is the n-th level. The 0-th level is ground. lp and rp will not touch with the wall or any other bar.
Sample Input
2 10 0 7 2 b 4 4 lp 2 2
Sample Output
0 4Submit
Source: Zhejiang University Local Contest 2003, Preliminary