Let's play a game

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Elves from the Lothvain forest have created a very interesting game. The rules are very simple:

  • There are two players.
  • In the beginning there are n groups of stones. The i-th group contains a_i stones.
  • A player has to take a positive number of stones from exactly one of the groups in his turn.
  • A player who can't make a move (each group is empty) wins.

Very soon they have learnt how to always make the best possible move. Your task is to write a program that computes which of the players has a winning strategy for a given situation.


The first number appearing in the input is number of datasets t (5<=t<=50). Each dataset is given in following format. The first row contains a single number n (1<=n<=10000). The next row contains exactly n numbers: a_1, a_2,..., a_n (0<=a_i<=1000000000). There are no empty lines between the datasets. You may assume that at least one group of stones is not empty.


For each of datasets your program should write:

  • 1 if the first player has a winning strategy
  • 2 otherwise

in a separate row.

Sample Input

1 1 1
1 0 1 1 1

Sample Output


Source: 3MG_Contest