Merging Sequences Problem

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Let S be a sequence of n integers, where S[k] with 1 <= k <= n denotes the k-th number of S. The maximum prefix sum of S, denoted h(S), is defined to be

(Note that the range for j starting from 0 is to ensure h(S) >= 0, because sigma(S[k]) = 0 (k = 1 to 0) For example, if

W = -2, 1,-3;
X = 1, 2, 4, 3,-1,-5, 2, 0,-1, 3,-2;
Y = -1, 2, 0, 1, 3,-5, 3, 2, 4,-2,-1,

then h(W) = 0, h(X) = 1+2+4+3 = 10 and h(Y) = -1+2+0+1+3-5+3+2+4 = 9.

For each i = 1, 2, ...,l, let Si be a sequence of ni integers. We say that a sequence S of n numbers is a merged sequence of S1, S2, ..., Sl if the following conditions hold.

1. n = n1 + n2 + ... + nl.

2. There is a 1-1 mapping f from {1, 2, ..., n} to {(i, j) | 1 <= i <= l and 1 <= j <= ni} such that if f(t) = (i, j) then S[t] = Si[j].

3. If t < t', f(t) = (i, j) and f(t') = (i, j'), then j < j'.

For example, if we have

S1 = 1, 3,-5, 2,-2;
S2 = 2, 4,-1;
S3 = -1, 0, 3,

then both X and Y above are merged sequences of S1, S2, S3. The following sequence, however, is not a merged sequence of S1, S2, S3.

Z = 1, 3,-5, 2,-2, 2, 4,-1,-1, 3, 0.

(Clearly, if the last two numbers 3 and 0 in Z are exchanged, then the resulting sequence is a merged sequence of S1, S2, S3.)

Your job is to produce a merged sequence S* of S1, S2, ..., Sl with minimum h(S*).

For instance, the following sequence is a merged sequence for the above S1, S2, S3 whose maximum prefix sum is minimized:

S* = -1, 1, 0, 3,-5, 2,-2, 2, 4,-1, 3.

One can verify that h(S*) = -1 + 1 + 0 + 3 - 5 + 2 - 2 + 2 + 4 - 1 + 3 = 6.


The first line contains a number m with 1 <= m <= 10 indicating the number of test cases. Each of the next m lines lists a test case. Each test case lists those l (1 <= l <= 5) input sequences separated by numbers 9999. Each test case ends with a number -9999. Two consecutive numbers in a sequence are separated by at least one single space. You may assume that each input sequence consists of at most 100 integers, each of which is between -100 and 100.


For each test case S1, S2, ..., Sl, output its h(S*) in a single line.

Sample Input

1 3 -5 2 -2 9999 2 4 -1 9999 -1 0 3 -9999
5 1 1 9999 -2 -2 -2 9999 10 -20 -9999
-2 1 -3 -9999

Sample Output


Source: Asia 2003, Kaohsiung (Taiwan China)