Intuitionistic Logic
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Recently Vasya became acquainted with an interesting movement in mathematics and logic called "intuitionism". The main idea of this movement consists in the rejection of the law of excluded middle (the logical law stating that any assertion is either true or false). Vasya liked this idea; he says: "Classical mathematics says that Fermat Last Theorem is either true or false; but this statement is completely useless for me until I see the proof or a contrary instance". So Vasya became a born-again intuitionist. He tries to use the intuitionistic logic in all his activities and especially in his scientific work. But this logic is much more diffcult than the classic one. Vasya often tries to use logical formulae that are valid in classical logic but aren't so in the intuitionistic one.
Now he wants to write a program that will help him to check the validity of his formulae automatically. He has found a book describing how to do that but unfortunately he isn't good at programming, so you'll have to help him.
The construction starts from an arbitrary acyclic oriented graph = (X, G). Then a partial order is
constructed on X, the set of vertices of
: for any x, y
X we define x
y iff there exists a path (possibly
of zero length) in
from x to y. Next, consider the set
of all subsets of X and the set
of all
X such that any two different x and y from
are incomparable (i.e. neither x
y nor y
Note that
always contains the empty set and all one-element subsets of X. Now it is possible to define
a map Max :
. For any M
X we put Max(M) = { x
M :
M : x
y, x
y} -- the
set of all maximal elements of M .
Next we define several operations on . For any
= Max(
= Max({ x
X :
, z
: x
y, x
= {x
: x
y}, 0 = Max(X), 1 =
= (
= ((
Now consider logical formulae consisting of the following symbols:
- Constants 1 and 0;
- Variables -- capital letters from A to Z;
- Parentheses -- if E is a formula, then (E) is another;
- Negation --
E is a formula for any formula E;
- Conjuction -- E1
En. Note that the conjunction is evaluated from left to right: E1
E3 = (E1
- Disjunction -- E1
En. The same remark applies.
- Implication -- E1
E2. Unlike the previous two operations it is evaluated from right to left: E1
E3 means E1
- Equivalence -- E1
En. This expression is equal to (E1
The operations are listed from the highest priority to the lowest.
A formula E will be called valid
(in the model defined by ) if after substitution of arbitrary elements
for the variables involved in E it evaluates to 1; otherwise it is called invalid.
Your task is to determine for a given graph and a set of formulae which of them are valid and which
Input consists of multiple test cases.For each case the first line contains two integers N and M separated by a single space -- the number of vertices (1

For each test case, print K lines -- one line for each formula. Write to the j-th line either "valid" or "invalid".There must be one blank line between two consecutive cases, but no extra line at the end.
Sample Input
6 6 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 5 4 5 5 6 11 1=0 X|~X A=>B=>C = (A&B)=>C ~~X => X X => ~~X (X => Y) = (Y | ~X) A&(B|C) = A&B|A&C (X=>A)&(Y=>A) => X|Y=>A X = ~~X ~X=~~~X ~X = (X => 0) 1 0 6 1=0 X|~X A=>B=>C = (A&B)=>C ~~X => X X => ~~X (X => Y) = (Y | ~X)
Sample Output
invalid invalid valid invalid valid invalid valid valid invalid valid valid invalid valid valid valid valid validSubmit
Source: Northeastern Europe 2002, Northern Subregion