Problem Set

Code Title
1801 Tian Ji -- The Horse Racing 0/0=0%
1802 Islands and Bridges 0/5=0%
1803 Jamie's Contact Groups 1/1=100%
1804 Special Experiment 1/2=50%
1805 Elevator Stopping Plan 1/1=100%
1806 New Go Game 0/0=0%
1807 Outernet 0/0=0%
1808 Fold Paper Strips 0/0=0%
1809 Sum of Factorials 8/49=16.3%
1810 Task Sequences 0/0=0%
1811 Vivian's Problem 0/0=0%
1812 Gold Coins 8/35=22.9%
1813 Shortest Prefixes 0/1=0%
1814 Squares 0/3=0%
1815 Hire and Fire 0/0=0%
1816 Mix and Build 0/0=0%
1817 Blackjack 0/0=0%
1818 Litmus Test 0/0=0%
1819 Scrambled Polygon 0/0=0%
1820 Filling Out the Team 31/54=57.4%
1821 Auctions R Us 0/0=0%
1822 GHOST 0/0=0%
1823 Doggone Moles 0/0=0%
1824 Line of Sight 0/0=0%
1825 Tangled in Cables 8/25=32%
1826 All Roads Lead to Albuquerque, er, Rome 0/0=0%
1827 Balanced Budget Initiative 0/0=0%
1828 Agent 0/0=0%
1829 Boatherds 0/0=0%
1830 C Looooops 0/3=0%
1831 Death to Binary? 0/0=0%
1832 Electricity 2/5=40%
1833 Firepersons 0/0=0%
1834 God of the Vile Baskers 0/0=0%
1835 Herbalists 0/0=0%
1836 Inglish-Number Translator 0/7=0%
1837 Japan Plotter Driver 0/0=0%
1838 The Balance 0/0=0%
1839 Make a Sequence 0/0=0%
1840 Leaky Cryptography 0/0=0%
1841 Pathological Paths 0/0=0%
1842 Confusing Login Names 0/0=0%
1843 Dice Puzzle 0/0=0%
1844 Color the Map 0/0=0%
1845 Inherit the Spheres 0/0=0%
1846 Crossing Prisms 0/0=0%
1847 Land Division Tax 0/0=0%
1848 Petanque 0/0=0%
1849 Long Night of Museums 0/0=0%
1850 Magic Trick 1/2=50%
1851 Two-Stacks Solitaire 0/0=0%
1852 Zing Zhu's Oyster Farm 0/0=0%
1853 Grandpa is Famous 0/0=0%
1854 Cutting Edge 0/0=0%
1855 Paper Cut 0/0=0%
1856 Ride to School 0/0=0%
1857 Fourier's Lines 0/0=0%
1858 The Treasure 0/0=0%
1859 Spiderman 0/0=0%
1860 Pollution 0/0=0%
1861 Area in Triangle 0/0=0%
1862 The Peanuts 0/0=0%
1863 MisLED 0/0=0%
1864 Relative Relatives 1/3=33.3%
1865 Syntax Included 0/0=0%
1866 Choose Your Own Adventure 2/2=100%
1867 Know When to Hold 'em 0/0=0%
1868 Cubic Rube 0/0=0%
1869 As the Crow Flies 0/0=0%
1870 No Brainer 146/186=78.5%
1871 Alphacode 0/0=0%
1872 Anti-prime Sequences 1/1=100%
1873 Hit or Miss 0/0=0%
1874 I Conduit! 0/0=0%
1875 Roll Playing Games 0/0=0%
1876 Team Rankings 0/0=0%
1877 To and Fro 13/20=65%
1878 Translations 0/0=0%
1879 Word Encoding 1/4=25%
1880 Watchdog 82/261=31.4%
1881 Taxi Cab Scheme 8/50=16%
1882 Pseudo-random Numbers 0/1=0%
1883 Card Game Cheater 27/58=46.6%
1884 Investment 55/263=20.9%
1885 Pipes 0/1=0%
1886 SETI 3/7=42.9%
1887 Minimax Triangulation 6/14=42.9%
1888 Finding Nemo 0/0=0%
1889 Searching the Web 0/0=0%
1890 Argus 0/0=0%
1891 Fun Game 1/1=100%
1892 Square 0/0=0%
1893 Color a Tree 0/0=0%
1894 Kid's Problem 0/0=0%
1895 The Separator in Grid 0/0=0%
1896 The Lost House 0/0=0%
1897 Primary X-Subfactor Series 0/0=0%
1898 Triangle Cuts 0/0=0%
1899 Symmetric Order 1/1=100%
1900 Flow Layout 0/0=0%