Problem Set

Code Title
2702 Prime Bases 28/58=48.3%
2703 Abnormal 91's 60/135=44.4%
2704 Budget 9/51=17.6%
2705 Counting the ways 9/26=34.6%
2706 Dividing the sequence 1/20=5%
2707 Easy task 2/25=8%
2708 Finding loop 15/29=51.7%
2709 Guarding the columns 1/2=50%
2710 Hitting the target 2/3=66.7%
2711 Incredible commandos 1/1=100%
2712 Just no more counters 13/75=17.3%
2713 Collatz Conjecture 388/669=58%
2714 Smart File Name Sorting 47/466=10.1%
2715 RNA Molecules 91/565=16.1%
2716 Pirates 21/88=23.9%
2717 Shuffling Strings 246/564=43.6%
2718 Guess Number 85/425=20%
2719 Subset Sum 31/185=16.8%
2720 Minesweeper 4/36=11.1%
2721 Tunb Airline 4/30=13.3%
2722 String LD 32/46=69.6%
2723 Painting 1/10=10%
2724 Another Brick in the Wall 0/0=0%
2725 Blast the Enemy! 2/4=50%
2726 deltree 0/0=0%
2727 Solar Eclipse 1/1=100%
2728 Hurry Plotter 0/0=0%
2729 ACM Coalition 1/1=100%
2730 Fruit Weights 21/217=9.7%
2731 Royal Gems 0/1=0%
2732 Number Steps 246/556=44.2%
2733 Parencodings 154/246=62.6%
2734 Pockets 185/384=48.2%
2735 The Most Valuable Queen 121/247=49%
2736 GCD 113/369=30.6%
2737 Summation 268/361=74.2%
2738 T-island Intervals 72/379=19%
2739 Largest Disk 18/189=9.5%
2740 IUST Problem A 185/564=32.8%
2741 IUST Problem B 94/205=45.9%
2742 IUST Problem C 79/392=20.2%
2743 IUST Problem D 27/81=33.3%
2744 IUST Problem E 90/213=42.3%
2745 IUST Problem F 12/82=14.6%
2746 IUST Problem G 17/117=14.5%
2747 Let’s start the contest 222/575=38.6%
2748 List Analysis 7/127=5.5%
2749 Grid Game II 47/197=23.9%
2750 Largest Villa 14/98=14.3%
2751 GCD 20/252=7.9%
2752 Remote Bike 8/13=61.5%
2753 Not So Rapidshare 21/219=9.6%
2754 Minimum Cost 11/86=12.8%
2755 Intersections 24/163=14.7%
2756 Hanoi Towers in Detail 26/175=14.9%
2757 Milliseconds Clock 25/173=14.5%
2758 Arithmetic Sequence 79/259=30.5%
2759 Big Password 39/150=26%
2760 Compression 5/18=27.8%
2761 Division 13/34=38.2%
2762 Extra Point 12/66=18.2%
2763 Phone System 47/127=37%
2764 Geometrical Voice 3/24=12.5%
2765 Hitler’s Board 10/19=52.6%
2766 Intervals 30/74=40.5%
2767 Julia Composite Subset 1/2=50%
2768 Kings-Game 13/30=43.3%
2769 Davood Inchi Code 101/951=10.6%
2770 Persian Map 247/550=44.9%
2771 Bahman's Network 16/143=11.2%
2772 99 Red Balloons 0/1=0%
2773 EdoceRahs 64/578=11.1%
2774 Tape the Art 3/181=1.7%
2775 Khayyam - Pascal’s Triangle 5/58=8.6%
2776 IGPC 1/2=50%
2777 Obsessive Behavior 0/6=0%
2778 Solar Power 18/145=12.4%
2779 Free Lunch 35/157=22.3%
2780 Perfect Address 1/5=20%
2781 Banks 20/49=40.8%
2782 Circle of digits 1/12=8.3%
2783 UFO 0/0=0%
2784 Frame 8/35=22.9%
2785 Points 0/22=0%
2786 Most Influential Pumpkin 18/53=34%
2787 Grammar 1/9=11.1%
2788 Triples 9/14=64.3%
2789 Multi-Machine Scheduling of Two Applications 0/2=0%
2790 Strange Antennas 1/7=14.3%
2791 Kings of Persia 104/195=53.3%
2792 Web Colors 33/88=37.5%
2793 Ideal Scoreboard 14/61=23%
2794 Elevators 21/58=36.2%
2795 Antennas 0/1=0%
2796 Working Hours 9/68=13.2%
2797 Dragons 4/6=66.7%
2798 Toll 1/2=50%
2799 Robot Race 4/4=100%
2800 Bus 2/2=100%
2801 Line Fiting 1/3=33.3%