Drown in Programming

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Programming is one of the most interesting activities for Milad. He has done lots of programming projects till now (Specially, .Net Projects). Each project pi takes him di days to be finished using a specific algorithm. He may be asked to write it in ai different algorithms (Each different algorithm takes the same amount of days d­i). Milad never works on two projects in a day.

Now he wants to know what project he had been working on, in a certain day.


In the first line of each test case, there are two numbers n and m which are number of projects and number of questions Milad wants to know its answer, respectively (1 <= n, m <= 105).

The ith line of the following n lines specifies di and ai for project pi (1 <= di, ai <= 109). It is guaranteed that total number of days for all projects does not exceeds 109.

In the last line of each test case, there are m space separated numbers each denotes the day’s number in which Milad wants to know which project he had been working on.

The line “0 0” (Without quotes) indicates end of test cases.


In each test case, print the project’s number he had been working on for day(s) he asks, each in a separate line.

Sample Input

3 3
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 2 3
3 5
1 1
2 2
3 3
1 3 2 4 9
0 0

Sample Output
