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The security service  of Snakeland  wants to destroy  the  hostile alien ship.  The  security service has damaged the ship and forced it  to land.  The  ship is  built of cubic compartments  of  unit  size. The first layer is always composed of  N * M  compartments. The  picture  (left)  shows an example of  a  ship  with  size  N  =  4,  M  =  8,  and  (right)  a  top-view  of  the  ship  indicating  the  number  of superimposed compartments.


Compartments  are  made  of  ultra-strong  metal,  so  lasers  are  used  to  destroy  the  ship.  Laser devices were deployed on each of the four sides of the ship, and they periodically produce beams perpendicular to the sides of the ship, towards different compartments of the ship. Each beam destroys  the  R  first  compartments  on  its  way.  If  other  compartments  are  located  on  top  of destroyed ones, these compartments shift down.

After K shots it was decided to airstrike the ship. It makes sense to choose an area of size  P * P, which contains a maximum number of remaining compartments to destroy them all. Write  a  program  that  calculates  maximum  number  of  undivided  compartments  that  can  be destroyed by airstrike from an area with size P * P. 


The first line from the input contains 5 integers N, M (1 ≤ N * M ≤ 1 000 000), R (0 < R ≤ 10), K (0 < K ≤ 300 000), P (0 < P ≤ min(N, M, 10)).

The following  N  lines contain  M  integers.  The integer  from the  i-th  row and  j-column defines  the number  of  compartments  in  the  corresponding  part  of  the  ship  as  shown  in  the  picture  (right). Each integer is in the range 1..106.

.The next  K  lines  describe  laser  shots.  Each  of  these  lines contains one symbol and  2  integers. Symbols define  the  side  of the ship being shot:  W,  E,  S,  N.  The  first integer  defines  the  row  number  in case of  west or east and  the  column number in case  of north or south,  the second number  indicates  the  horizontal  layer  being  shot.  Rows  and  columns  are  numbered  as  in  the input, layers are numbered from 1. Each integer is in the range 1..106



You need to print  the  maximum number of remaining compartments after K  laser shots  contained 

in some area of size P * P.

Sample Input

4 8 2 6 2
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 2 3 1 1 1 3 1
1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
N 2 2
W 2 2
W 2 3
E 2 1
S 4 1
S 7 1

Sample Output
