C :: The Return of Anaconda Tigers

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There was once a group of warriors who were called “The Anaconda Tigers”. These warriors were the strongest and most sophisticated soldiers the earth has ever seen. They were ranked from 1 to  from weakest to strongest. It is said that after the “Sibilization” country defeated “Antisibilization” nations, they helped Sibilatorians to form a strong united kingdom to rule the whole world. They disappeared afterward because the world was in hands of sophisticated rulers and they were no longer requisite to bring peace to the world.

In 1965, Nostradamus predicted that when the sky is dark, the land is red, the water is green and the world could no longer resist corruption, these great warriors will return to our world and once again they will rescue humans. It is not specified the exact time but there are some numbers written in his book. These numbers indicate that how many stronger Anaconda Tigers returns before the Anaconda Tiger with rank  comes back (we denote this number by a_i). It is also known that no two Anaconda Tigers will return in the same time and none of them are equally strong. You are given an integer n and a sequence a_1,a_2,...,a_n of numbers as defined previously. You have to find out which Anaconda Tiger returns first, which one returns second, which one returns third, and so on.


The input consists of a number of test cases. Each test case starts with a line containing the integer n which is less than 501. The next  lines specify the values of a_1,a_2,...,a_n, each appearing on a single line. The input ends with n=0.


For each test case, print a line containing  comma separated numbers. The first number should specify the rank of the Anaconda Tiger who comes first, followed by the rank of the Anaconda Tiger who comes second, and so on. There must be no blank characters in the output.

Sample Input


Sample Output


Source: 9th Iran Nationwide Internet Contest