Question: [Problem E]

  Does the program start from the first line?

Judge answer:

  Not necessarily

Question: [General]

  Extra time?

Judge answer:

  زمان مسابقه ۱۵ دقیقه تمدید شد.

Question: [Problem F]

  in the second test case, all hospitals have more than or equal to what they need. Why is it impossible to find a plan to match the needed packs?

Judge answer:

  in the end of transactions, the number of needed and stored packages should be exactly the same for each hospital.

Question: [Problem E]

  اگه تو یه دستور هیچ کدام از گزاره ها درست نباشه برنامه تموم میشه؟

Judge answer:


Question: [Problem E]

  kollan bayad kari konim ba gozareha ya skip kardaneshun khelali dar masale ijad nemikone?
masalan age conditioni 5<0 bashe bayad dar nazaresh begirim?

Judge answer:

  Conditions are some arbitrary string and not necessarily analyzable.

Question: [Problem E]

  اگه تو یه دستور هیچ کدام از گزاره ها درست نباشند میره به خط بعدیش؟

Judge answer:


Question: [Problem B]

  does the crow hit dead enemies?

Judge answer:
