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Daneshvar Amrollahi SAYS

Hi. I received time limit exceeded verdict from this problem. I thin I'm using the best algorithm for checking GCD & LCM. Can anyone check this code and help me please? I'm using recursive GCD.

Does anyone have a better algorithm? Thanks

using namespace std;
#define rep(i,t) for (ll i=0;i<t;i++)
#define MOD 1000000007
typedef long long ll;

ll GCD(ll a,ll b)
      return b==0?a:GCD(b,a%b);
ll LCM(ll a,ll b)
      return ( (a/GCD(a,b))*b );

int main()

    int t;
    while (t--)
      int n;
      ll res = 1;
      rep(i,n) //read N pairs
        int a,b;
        ll x = 1; 
        for (ll j=0;j<b;j++)    //calculate a^b
            x = (x*a)%MOD;
        res = LCM(x,res)%MOD;


    return 0;
//Code By Daneshvar Amrollahi

There is a better way to solve this problem in a better time.

Think in a way that you are willing to solve this problem manualy without a computer, what do you do?

Daneshvar Amrollahi SAYS

I think you mean this:

Breaking the numbers into their prime factors and pick up the the common ones with the higher powers and multiply them with the non common ones?

Do you?

I think this is a way which is manually! :D


Daneshvar Amrollahi said:

I think you mean this:

Breaking the numbers into their prime factors and pick up the the common ones with the higher powers and multiply them with the non common ones?

Do you?

I think this is a way which is manually! :D

Exactly :)