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man sari' tarin algorithm ro zadam vali time limit mikhoram va yeki dg timesh 7564ms hast va accept shode age algorithm sari' tari hast lotfan begin
bayad tak take halataro: 1 - fard bood 2 - zoj bood 3 - morabba kamel bood ro dar nazar begirid. na inke addi for bezanid beshmorid.
hamin karo kardam :D
man algorithmamo ba c++ submit kardam time limit dad. ba pascal zadam dorost shod. Inke check mikonid zoj ya farda ya morabba kamele baraye for ya while zadan komaketoon mikone. Har halat ro mishe baraye khodesh nevesht.
rasti chera ba'zia ro ba c++ mizanam tme limit mide vali ba pascal na!? mage c soratesh balatar nist
JAVA bug dare.
hamoon o(sqrt(n)) acc mishe vali tedad test ha kheili ziadan az cin va cout estefade nakonid...
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