Same Thunderbolt SAYS

خیلی سوال سختی بود بالاخره پس از مجاهدت های بسیار موفق به حلش شدم


Saeid A said:

خیلی سوال سختی بود بالاخره پس از مجاهدت های بسیار موفق به حلش شدم

What was your biggest challange with this problem? :D

Same Thunderbolt SAYS

my challange was to reading data until EOF. the first time i was not friend enough to the programming tips.


Saeid A said:

my challange was to reading data until EOF. the first time i was not friend enough to the programming tips.


I think the last \n in the input file is the source of this confusion! Because of the last new-line character in the file cin.eof() will return false in some points!

A note for the people that have the same problem: in c++ simply use while (cin >> a >> b) { ... } to read the input until EOF.

Same Thunderbolt SAYS

thank u so much. i have used the same method whitch u said.

Marshal(ShitMarce) SAYS


Ehsan SAYS


Arvant SAYS

آقا من خیلی تازه کارم این کد چه مشکلی داره while True: try: a,b=raw_input().split(" ") print int(a)+int(b) except: break


Arvant said:

آقا من خیلی تازه کارم این کد چه مشکلی داره while True: try: a,b=raw_input().split(" ") print int(a)+int(b) except: break

Your code seems right.

There is a problem with our python judge! I believe the new version of python does not compatible with our judge core. We are working on it right now.

You submission will be rejudged after solving the issue.

Thank you for notice and patience.


AMiR said:

Arvant said:

آقا من خیلی تازه کارم این کد چه مشکلی داره while True: try: a,b=raw_input().split(" ") print int(a)+int(b) except: break

Your code seems right.

There is a problem with our python judge! I believe the new version of python does not compatible with our judge core. We are working on it right now.

You submission will be rejudged after solving the issue.

Thank you for notice and patience.

Python interpreter has been downgraded and some of python submissions were rejudged.