F :: Remote Bike
Time Limit: 10 Seconds Memory Limit: 32768 KB
Special Judge
Shamir’s dad bought a Remote Bike for him. Shamir can make this Bike do 4 tasks: accelerate, decelerate, jump, and idle. Shamir was playing with his bike the other day and all of a sudden, he saw bunch of holes. He was wondering how hard can it be to make the bike go over the holes without falling into any of them?
Shamir is a great programmer but he’s busy playing with his bike, can you write a program to help him?
The Program:
Write a program which tells bike what to do!
- Bike is moving on X axis and starts it’s movements from x=0.
- Bike’s remote accepts 4 instructions: “Acc”, “Dec”, “Idl” and “Jmp”.
• “Acc”: increases speed of bike 1m/s and bike moves s meters. (s = bike’s speed)
• “Dec”: decreases speed of bike 1m/s and bike moves s meters.
• “Idl”: does nothing; bike keeps moving s meters.
• “Jmp”: makes bike jump; and bike moves s meters.
- Bike already has a speed; we call it  (initial Speed).
- Bike can’t go backwards; speed can’t be negative. (s≥0)
- You have to set all instructions, before bike starts moving; you tell bike what to do before it starts moving, once it starts moving, it will run your instructions one by one.
- If bike reads an instruction, it will run it immediately. What does it mean? It means for example if bike is at position x=5 and s=4 and instruction is “Acc”, speed will increase to 5 then bike will move, it will result in: x=10 and s=5.
- Shamir’s bike is brand new, he doesn’t like to Jump a lot. He wants to go over all holes with minimum number of jumps.
- Do not fall into a hole.
- Each hole has different length.
- There are some spaces before, between and after holes.
- Shamir wants to stop his bike(s=0) after going over the last hole in the field. (bike has to stop in space after the last hole).
Bike has S0=3:
Instructions are: “Idl”, “Jmp”, “Dec”, “Dec”, “Dec”

Input starts with an integer T on a single line indicating number of test cases. Each test-case is described as follows:
Test case contains two lines. First line contains two integers N, S indicating number of spaces + holes and initial speed. Other line contains N integers space0 ,hole0 , space1,hole1,..., space(n−1)/2 length of spaces and holes separated by white spaces.
N is odd, 0 < N <12, 0 ≤ S ≤ 100, spacei, holei > 0, Σ(spacei) + Σ(holej) ≤10000
For each test-case:
Step one:
Print in a line: “START
Step two:
Print instructions to lead the bike.
If there’s more than one solution, each will do.
Step three:
Print in a line: “END
If there are no solutions, print in a single line “Sorry Shamir!
” instead of three steps.
Sample Input
3 3 3 4 2 5 3 0 7 2 4 3 0 7 2 3
Sample Output
START Idl Jmp Dec Dec Dec END START Acc Acc Acc Jmp Dec Dec Dec END Sorry Shamir!Submit
Source: 12th Iran Nationwide Internet Contest III