D :: Go Deeper

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Here is a procedure's pseudocode:

	   go(int dep, int n, int m)  
	      output the value of dep. 
	      if dep < m and x[a[dep]] + x[b[dep]] != c[dep] then go(dep + 1, n, m)

In this code n is an integer. a, b, c and x are 4 arrays of integers. The index of array always starts from 0. Array a and b consist of non-negative integers smaller than n. Array x consists of only 0 and 1. Array c consists of only 0, 1 and 2. The lengths of array a, b and c are m while the length of array x is n.

Given the elements of array a, b, and c, when we call the procedure go(0, n , m) what is the maximal possible value does the procedure output?


There are multiple test cases. The first line of input is an integer T (0 < T ≤ 100), indicating the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow. Each case starts with a line of 2 integers n and m (0 < n ≤ 200, 0 < m ≤ 10000). Then m lines of 3 integers follow. The i-th(1 ≤ im) line of them are ai-1 ,bi-1 and ci-1 (0 ≤ ai-1, bi-1 < n, 0 ≤ ci-1 ≤ 2).


For each test case, output the result in a single line.

Sample Input

2 1
0 1 0
2 1
0 0 0
2 2
0 1 0
1 1 2

Sample Output
