Recent Changes


We have been recently working hard in order to add more problems and features to ShareCode.

Now, there are hundreds of problems (and counting) in the problem set for you to practice :).

We are organizing problems in the archive. Those problems which were related to a course (and not a specific regional contest) will be moved to different sections, but it takes some time to gradually move these problems. So, thank you for your patience :)
Sections are available here, we are adding more sections in a couple of days.

We have managed to run on a faster web server and configuring caching systems, so you may experience a faster ShareCode! We have also refactored our judging core to reduce miss-judges!

You may also notice there are some problem codes that start from 100000. Those problems belong to the former problem archive. None of those problems have been deleted, nor your codes :) We are working right now to organize these problems too, then the problems and your submissions will be available again.

Since these changes affected many parts of ShareCode, there might be some minor bugs. We will be really pleased if you report any little bugs, improvement suggestions etc.

We are truly sorry for our down time in the past day and hoping this would never happen again :)

-- ShareCode Team
Nov. 16, 2013