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When you say "right-justified to a column x", do I need to align to column x the first character of the number or the last?

Say, my valid count and invalid count is both 10000. I need to justify them to columns 69 and 73, respectively. If I align to the first character ('1'), I get something like

Col:| 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 |
    |    |  1 |  0 |  0 |  0 |  0 |

And there's no way I can align invalid count on the first digit.

Similarly, if I align on the last digit, I either move the last '0' of valid count to 68 (in which case I fail the rule for valid count's alignment) or I keep it at col 69, start invalid count at col 70 and end it at col 74, failing the rule for valid count's alignment.

Demo Version SAYS

Hi Chad notice that

`There will be at most 1000 unique addresses in the input file. `

so it can not be 10000 to over load.

so what you should do is go on 69 column wich space before then print the valid then put (4-len(valid)) space then invalid count

wish that helped :)