G :: Game Playing

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Mohammad has a game club in CSE Dept. of Shiraz University. Although many students like to have fun in his club in the rest time, he has a few number of toys. For example, he has only one table of Tennis (Ping-Pong) while most of the game players are interested in playing this game. Based on the type of the game, only N students can play with each other in each turn, although more than N candidates may exist. For example, only two players for Ping-Pong and 12 players for volleyball can play in each turn. In addition, each player, after his playing, wants to play again. Mohammad decided to manage the candidates of playing by considering the following rules:

  1. In the new turn, the players with major priority are chosen for playing.
  2. The students who have played less than others are prior.
  3. In the case of equal turns of playing, the one who has played later (at his last turn)   has less priority.
  4. Between two students with similar conditions, the one with smallest number is prior. The candidates are numbered from 1 to M.

Now, Mohammad feels a headache and Morteza (his best friend) is going to manage the candidates of one of the games. He knows all the history of the game (K turns have been passed). In the new turn, which candidates should be chosen? Morteza thinks that the 4th rule is not fair. This is why; he ignores it in his decision. Now, he may be not capable to select a unique set of players for the next turn. Would you please let him know if there is any ambiguity?


The dataset starts with a positive integer T<200 in the first line which is followed by T lines each one of which represents a test-case. Each test-case is determined by three positive integers N,M and K (N≤M<109 and K<109). N is the number of players in each turn, M is the total number of candidates and K is the number of passed turns.


For each test-case, print in a separate line “Unique” if Morteza can find a solution and print “Ambiguity” otherwise.

Sample Input

2  2  10
2  3  1
2  3  2
2  4  1
2  4  2
2  5  2
2  5  3
2  5  4
3  4  2
4  6  2

Sample Output


Source: 13th Iran Nationwide Internet Contest - Shiraz