D :: Doodle

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Doodle is a site in which, you can collect free time-intervals of some persons to have a session. You should define the candidate days, then other persons can vote to them. Mohammad wants to have an important session with the students to discuss about the future goals of ACM group in ShirazU. This is why; he defined N consecutive days starting from tomorrow on Doodle for voting. Some students vote to their non-busy days just now. Some of them see the poll on tomorrow and some students later. If a student sees the poll on Dth day, he only can vote to the next days.

At the end of each day (containing today), Mohammad counts the number of votes given to each day. He may decide to finish the poll and to hold the session on the next day or may wait for more votes in near future. He should be sure that the session is held on the day with the maximum vote. Hence, he only waits for future votes if there is certainly a day in the future as good as tomorrow or even better.

For example, assume N is 3. The days are numbered from 0 to N where, 0 and 1 represents today and the 1st day of polling, respectively. Today, Saam and Amir voted to their non-busy days such that the number of votes for days 1, 2 and 3 are 2, 1 and 2, respectively. Mohammad does not finish the poll because the 3rd day is as good as the 1st one. Tomorrow (at the 1st day), Babak and AmirHossein see the poll and both of them vote just to the 2nd day. Therefore, the votes of days 2 and 3 would be 3 and 2, respectively. On tomorrow night, Mohammad decides to finish the poll and inform all that the session will be held on the 2nd day. He doesn’t know that Ali and Younes will vote to 3rd day after seeing the poll on the 2nd day. In other words, he makes a risk-free decision.


In the first line, T<=100 is given as the number of test-cases. In following, each test-case starts with positive integers N<=1000 and M<=1000 as the number of candidate days and voters, respectively. M next lines represent the votes of M students, one line per student. The ith line (out of these M lines) starts with an integer Di that represents the ID number of the day in which, ith student sees the poll. The rest of the line contains ID numbers of non-busy days of that student.


For each test-case, print the ID number of the day of the session in a separate line.

Sample Input

3  6
0  1  2  3
1  2
2  3
2  3
0  1  3
1  2

Sample Output


Source: 13th Iran Nationwide Internet Contest - Shiraz